
Graduate Students:

I have guided three first-year math Ph.D. students at LSU through preparing, practicing for, and giving a mini-lecture in my classes. One student presented in my College Algebra class for 15 minutes and the other two students presented in my Calculus I class for 15 minutes and 50 minutes, respectively.

Undergraduate Students:

Spring 2024: Explorations with Fibonacci Numbers – LSU Directed Reading Program (1 student)

Fall 2023: Mathematical Cryptography – LSU Directed Reading Program (2 students)

High School Students:

Summer 2023: I mentored 6 gifted high school students through elementary number theory topics and explorations with special functions, elliptic curves, and integer partitions.

Ross Mathematics Program, Otterbein University

Middle School Students:

Summer 2019: I guided students through the process of learning material from high school Algebra 1, Euclidean Geometry, and Algebra 2 material. The students worked at their own pace and my duties were to grade their tests at the end of each chapter and to answer questions about the material.

Teaching Assistant for the Individually Paced Mathematics Sequence

The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Summer Program

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